I’m a Pom! Let’s the that out there first off so that any of you looking at this who want to leave the site can do it now!
OK, so you can put that to one side because even Poms who can’t actually surf might be able to take some good photos of real Aussies surfing. You can have a look at the galleries and make your own minds up about that! I don’t pretend to be a professional and I don’t get in the water to take pictures although this might happen as I get better and braver.
I work full time in Sydney and have to travel around Australia, New Zealand a few other places to do the stuff I have to do to earn the bucks to pay for the camera kit I love to use to take my photos.
That doesn’t leave me much time to spend with my lovely family or to get out and take photos of seascapes, surfers and Sydney. But I do my best to get out to Shoot The Surfers most weekends and the occasional workday morning or late afternoon. When I do get out I try to head to one or two of my local beaches – we live in Collaroy. A few hours later, I return home and see what I have got that is worth putting up for you to look at.
So, why do I do it?
Firstly, I love watching surfers doing their thing. I can’t (or don’t bother trying to) surf but am bloody impressed by anyone who can. Secondly, I take a reasonable photo and lots of people say that I should do a website – so I have done.
I hope you like it and, even better, I hope you like it enough to buy a print or two! I am really keen to hear what you think so please go to the Shoot The Surf facebook pages and message me, post on the wall so I can do more or what you like and less of what you don’t.
OK, so you can put that to one side because even Poms who can’t actually surf might be able to take some good photos of real Aussies surfing. You can have a look at the galleries and make your own minds up about that! I don’t pretend to be a professional and I don’t get in the water to take pictures although this might happen as I get better and braver.
I work full time in Sydney and have to travel around Australia, New Zealand a few other places to do the stuff I have to do to earn the bucks to pay for the camera kit I love to use to take my photos.
That doesn’t leave me much time to spend with my lovely family or to get out and take photos of seascapes, surfers and Sydney. But I do my best to get out to Shoot The Surfers most weekends and the occasional workday morning or late afternoon. When I do get out I try to head to one or two of my local beaches – we live in Collaroy. A few hours later, I return home and see what I have got that is worth putting up for you to look at.
So, why do I do it?
Firstly, I love watching surfers doing their thing. I can’t (or don’t bother trying to) surf but am bloody impressed by anyone who can. Secondly, I take a reasonable photo and lots of people say that I should do a website – so I have done.
I hope you like it and, even better, I hope you like it enough to buy a print or two! I am really keen to hear what you think so please go to the Shoot The Surf facebook pages and message me, post on the wall so I can do more or what you like and less of what you don’t.